Wednesday, October 29, 2008

BP Invigorate gas

My latest BzzKit has arrived and this is probably THE BEST BZZOPPORTUNITY EVER! BZZAgent has sent me a $50 gas card and several $5 gas cards to share with friends. Oh yeah, and there are some BP key chains too. When I shared my first Bzz with my friend Donna (who is also an agent but didn't get in on this campaign-wahhhhhh for her) her eyes lit up. We didn't have time to stay and chat but she quickly filled me in on how BP is the most environmentally friendly gas company of them all. She said Exxon-Mobil is the worst! Scary since I always try and go to Mobile since they are linked to my UPromise account. Every penny counts in saving for our children's education, even if it just scores them beer money for their first weekend away. Anyways, this post isn't about Mobil or college savings, it is about BP. I filled up last night (I didn't have my $50 card on me--drat!) and gas is getting cheaper ($2.84 a gallon!) and I swear the van is running smoother already. Crazy! Maybe I am crazy! Check out BP Invigorate and leave me a comment so I can share with the people at BZZAgent.